What is Mediation?

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What exactly is Mediation?

The process of mediation is very useful in making impartial decisions for the parties who are involved in the separation.

Mediation is very important to ensure that the future of the child is secure and their basic needs and wants are fulfilled.

What does Mediation involve?

It is very important to get a clear picture of parents’ income, savings and expenses and the balance they have to make between the work and home life.

Parents should hire a mediator in the cases which are as complicated as separation as we’ll help them get all the information they need to make the right decisions for their family.

Mediators create a friendly environment in which the parents can share information very transparently and ask questions. There are a lot of areas which have to be covered as the matter can get very complicated by making the combination of different decisions.

There are a lot of questions that arise and we’re here to help answer them. Parents must ask questions to help reduce the confusion between the mediators and the parties involved.

At Rhino Mediation, the mediators are readily available to answer those questions.

Any doubt that comes into your mind will be cleared then and there. Every expert will recommend using the services of mediation as the court will waste your time, efforts and money.

The mediation process is very easy to complete and you will get the decisions according to your wish and you will have an opinion in the decision-making process.

And when you choose the court to resolve a dispute, the decision can be made against you without your opinion taken into consideration. See our locations.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

The parents in many cases have asked some common questions which must be answered readily and these answers are available to you through us. There are some frequently asked questions that the parents must ask at the time of mediation as a lot of previous clients have asked the same questions.

The distribution of property will be done in a legal way as the situation is very complicated and there is no other way to set the amount. At the end, the decision will be mutually made by both parties to ensure that you are both happy with the results.

The legal process of disclosure is followed by the mediators as they are accustomed to work like a lawyer as well. The mediator is very specialised and trained to handle the situations in which numbers are involved.

The process of mediation ensure that there is no favour of any party and the decision will be taken in the interest of both the parents keeping in mind the future of the child.

The mediation process can be completed as quickly as the parents like. And there is no pressure on them to sit and listen to the mediator. At the end the decision will be made keeping in mind the opinions of both the parties. You will get the best deal in the time you give to the mediator.

The mediator can help you at any situation and anytime so that the proceedings of the court are completed quickly.

If the couples are reluctant to meet each other at the time of mediation they are left with the option of shuttle and online mediation in which they have to sit far away from each other and listen to the mediator and the mediator with shuttle between both the locations.